Clinical Research

For over 50 years, the Specialized Clinic at the federal Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza (div. Russian Ministry of Health) has been a centre for clinical trials of new antiviral drugs and vaccines. Practically all domestic chemotherapy drugs and vaccines currently used for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases were tested at the Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza, and the accumulated experience has become the basis for the development of tactics and schemes for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases. 

The Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza is designated by the Russian Ministry of Health as a medical institution accredited for conducting clinical trials of new drugs and medical equipment. Research at the Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza is conducted in accordance with World Health Organization recommendations pertaining to international rules of clinical research, namely Good Clinical Practice (GCP). The interests of all participants in clinical research, including volunteers and researchers, are ensured by adherence to GCP. The Institute’s Local Ethical Committee is an independent body designed to promote ethical standards, the rights and interests of participants in clinical research, and to improve the quality of research. 

In the field of virology, the Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza is unique due to being a clinical center for viral infections with a high degree of specialization. The Clinic works in close cooperation with the Institute’s scientific laboratories. This collaboration enables the use of modern diagnostic methods in research, and the Clinic has all the necessary clinical and laboratory facilities for conducting phase I – IV clinical trials.

The Clinic employs qualified doctors, nurses, clinical and laboratory monitors, biostatisticians, epidemiologists, and programmers. All researchers involved in clinical trials are trained and certified in the Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) standards. Our experts examine clinical study documents and participate in the development of clinical research protocols, including all of the necessary documentation.

List of Vaccines Tested at RII

Research Period Vaccine
Since 1985,
Vaccine candidates for production of live influenza vaccine based on WHO-recommended seasonal strains
1991–1993 Oral inactivated influenza vaccine
1989–1995 Purified live 3-valent influenza vaccine
1992–2001 Inactivated 3-valent influenza vaccine
1999–2003 Live influenza vaccine (two cold-adapted attenuation donors)
1999–2001 VeroVac — Live cultural intranasal influenza vaccine
 2005–2006  Ultravac — Live influenza vaccine
2006–2007 Orniflu — Inactivated subunit vaccine (H5N1)
2006–2008 Grifor — Inactivated virosomal split influenza vaccine
 2008–2009  Panvax — Live replication-defective influenza intranasal vaccine (H5N1)
2009  Live and inactivated pandemic influenza vaccines A(H1N1)v

 List of Drugs Tested at RII

Research Period Antiviral Drug
1967–1969  Antigrippin
1968–1975  Rimantadine
1978–1983  Adapromin
1983–1986 Reaferon
1984–1986  Deitiforin
1988–1990 Ribavirin
1988–1989  Mildronat
1989–1990 Olifen
1990 Polirem
1991–1995  Arbidol
1997–2000  Algirem
1998 Cycloferon
1999 Amixin
1999 Kagocel
2000–2004  Interferon-alpha (nasal spray)
2005–2007 Ingaron
2009 Triazavirin (Phase I)
2009 Amizon
2010 Kupol